Softwareentwicklung als Soziotechnisches System

Das Thema Soziotechnische Systeme gewinnt in der Softwareentwicklung zunehmend an Bedeutung. Und das ist gut so.

„Im Allgemeinen muss das Management erkennen, dass der Erfolg eines Unternehmens davon abhängt, wie es als soziotechnisches System funktioniert, nicht einfach als ein technisches System mit ersetzbaren Individuen, die hinzugefügt werden und sich anpassen müssen.“

Dies ist eine wichtige Erkenntnis, da die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Software in Rahmen von Projekten, sowie deren kontinuierliche und nachhaltige Weiterentwicklung in hohem Maße von Faktoren des sozialen Gefüges und deren Zusammenarbeit abhängt.

Das Wissen darüber machen wir uns seit über 25 Jahren in zahlreichen Projekten zunutze und lassen es regelmäßig in die Projektarbeit einfliessen. Beispielsweise wenn es darum geht Teams zusammenzustellen und zu führen.

Einige Beispiele finden sich unter

Das geht so weit, das wir mit der Creative Software Workbench einen Rahmen geschaffen haben, in dem die Säule Menschen und Teams eine zentrale Rolle spielt.

Das Wissen und die Erfahrung aus vielen praktischen Anwendungen und Erfolgsgeschichten lässt sich in andere Projekte integrieren. Dabei unterstützen wir sie gerne…

Success Story: Big Data in Logistics

In the years 2019 and 2020 I had the pleasure to support TIMOCOM in the implementation of their brand new Big Data Platform.
TIMOCOM is an international logistics platform provider and a true champion in its area.

When we started the initiative the company had an existing BI-System to perform reporting and statistical analysis. The aim was to extend the capapabilities of the company to collect, store and analyse huge amount of data. A Big Data solution comprising best of breed open source products was chosen. The new technology stack is able to scale not only technically but also business wise as it ist completely license cost free. It is based on technologies such as Java, Python, Hadoop, Hive, Kafka, Spark and HBase.
A major challenge in the beginning was that the staff had almost no knowledge of the applied technologies. To cope with this situation and to establish the solution quickly and in high quality, we’ve set up a Creative Software Workbench (CSW). A CSW combines the areas of modern technology, agile methodology and team dynamics to create an enviroment in which digital products can be created in the best possible way. It is based on more than 25 years of practical experience from many successful and of course some not so successful projects. In this enviroment agile engineering and active learning are important parts which helped us to master the Big Data ecosystem in a reasonable amount of time.

The new platform enables the company to gain new insights from their data today an tomorrow. It is an important step in the future to support their data driven business model.
You can read about the project in the success story “Wissen aus Daten”. I am glad that I can add this story to our list of success stories. If you want to know more about it, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Fintech Success Story

In 2017 PLEUS Consulting supported Yareto GmbH in the development of their new independent comparision site for the automotive finance industry.
Yareto is a fintech company that specializes in automotive financing. In 2016 the corporate startup was founded to build a brand new comparision site for the automotive finance industry. The site enables car dealers to compare credit offers in the areas of sales financing and purchase financing. Lenders get access to sales channels they couldn’t serve before.

PLEUS Consulting supported Yareto in setting up a Creative Software Workbench. The Creative Software Workbench aligns technology, processes and people in a way that creates an environment in which high quality digital products can be developed in short time.

The front-ends were developed using modern web technologies such as Java-/Typescript, HTML5, CSS and Angular. For the backend Java Enterprise (JEE) and a Sustainable Service Design approach was utilized to design and build a backend with a high degree of reuse and scalability. The service landscape was established using Domain Driven Design principles. Operations was performed using cloud platforms.

On the technical side, PLEUS Consulting supported the teams as Lead Developer. In the area of agile techniques, PLEUS Consulting supported the development teams as Agile Coach. The combination of those roles worked quite well especially in the phases of seed and growth. With these roles the company received thorough support in the areas of technology and methodology.

The project has shown that with a combination of modern technologies, agile approaches and the right people a very short concept to market cycle can be achieved, creating competitive advantages. This is what the Creative Software Workbench is all about.

You can read more details about the project in the official success story. More info about the Creative Software Workbench can be found on the official website.